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As part of its Screen Summit industry programming and based on a soon-to-be published comprehensive survey on public policy and film restoration practices, the CFI’s International Film Festival of Ottawa (IFFO), with Telefilm Canada and the French Embassy in Canada gathered Canadian and international film archivists, distributors, exhibitors, and streaming services to discuss the current state of our endangered cinematic heritage. Celebrating recent restorations of classic films with case studies and special screenings, this one-day conference also hosted panel discussions on ways to increase the accessibility of this heritage to audiences worldwide.

Presented by its author, Bruno Boëz, for "SAVE AS,” the study Lumière sur le cinéma de patrimoine canadien (New Light on Canadian Heritage Film) is the first of its kind, based on interviews with 250 professionals. It provides an overview of the network of players involved in the conservation and dissemination of Canadian film heritage. It also makes several recommendations to strengthen the accessibility of this heritage and the interest of Canadian audiences. An interactive map of the distribution sites identified across the country will be presented, as well as the main lessons learned and recommendations for increasing the visibility of Canadian heritage cinema. The major axes of development will be put into perspective through dialogue with Canadian professionals in the distribution sector and with the CNC, which has structured a network in France to support the distribution of heritage films.

With the participation of Jack Blum (Executive Director, Reel Canada), Wendy Huot (Owner, The Screening Room) and Eric Le Roy (Direction du Patrimoine cinématographique, Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée)

  • Year
  • Runtime
    122 minutes
  • Language